Edmund P. Clowney
Preaching and biblical theology
P&R Westminster Theological Seminary
Some think of biblical theology as an academic discipline. To author Edmund P. Clowney it is "a labor of worship." He writes, "A decade in the pastorate brought on me a dawning conviction that the biblical-theological approach of the seminary classroom was excitingly rich for the pulpit ministry."
In this classic volume Clowney explains biblical theology and relates it to the following:
- The authority of preaching
- The perspective and character of preaching
- The content of preaching
124 Pages
About the Author: Edmond P. Clowney taught practical theology at Westminster Theological Seminary from 1952 to 1984 and served as president of the seminary from 1966 to 1982. He received a Th.B. from Westminster, an S.T.M. from Yale Divinity School, and a D.D. from Wheaton College.
A visionary educator and church leader, Dr. Clowney is perhaps best remembered as the leading proponent and practictioner of redemptive-historical preaching in recent decades. His books include, Unfolding Mystery: Discovering Christ in the Old Testament, Called to the Ministry, Doctrine of the Church, and The Message of 1 Peter.
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